Student Prayer Breakfast

We can't wait to see you at our next prayer breakfast! We had a great turnout last time and an amazing time

Wednesday Dinner

Family Life Center

Dinner served in our Family Life Center Multi-purpose Room. Reservations requested.

Mayan Bible Presentation

We are excited to hear from one of our missionary families, Hetch & Katie Cal. They will be presenting on Mayan Bible

Men’s Bible Study

Men's Bible Study led by Rev. Rusty Freeman at Corner Perk

Disciple SC

Disciple SC is geared towards pastors and church leaders trying to help their congregations answer the questions what is a disciple and

Disciple SC

Disciple SC is geared towards pastors and church leaders trying to help their congregations answer the questions what is a disciple and

Grace Bible Church

As Pastor Geoff, the Lawson family, and their Core Team are in their final preparations to plan Grace Bible Church in Bluffton,

Coffee Fellowship

Education Building

Coffee Fellowship held in the Atrium of the Education building

Fall Ministry Fair

On Sunday, September 8, we will have our Fall Ministry Fair during the Sunday School hour. At that time, all of our

Children’s Church

Education Building

Children's Church for ages 1 - 2nd Grade, Education Building

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