Disciple SC

Disciple SC is geared towards pastors and church leaders trying to help their congregations answer the questions what is a disciple and how can we make them. We would love for you to join us in answering these questions. Signup @ https://reddam.org Dinner included.

Student Prayer Breakfast

We are excited to meet again to pray, get to know one another, and read scripture. Please join us and don’t miss out on the fun! McDonalds (50 New Orleans Rd)

Ladies’ Prayer Fellowship

Education Building

Ladies' Prayer Fellowship - Education Building Room #1 - Meets on the 2nd Monday - Every Month

Christmas Musical Rehearsal

All interested youth and adult singers are invited to participate in our Christmas musical. We continue to utilize monthly Saturday rehearsals to enable the participation of students and adults serving in Wednesday night ministries.

Fall Festival

Save the date for our fall festival! This is a great outreach opportunity for us as a church and we encourage everyone to participate in donating candy and volunteering to serve throughout the event. If you are interested in hosting a trunk this year, please email [email protected] or call the church office.

OCC Shoebox Pick Up

OCC Shoebox Pick Up @ Mission’s Table We are the regions drop-off location for OCC. If you would like to share in the joy of packing boxes for children around the world to enjoy on Christmas, make sure to pick one up to fill and bring back to the church.

Fields of Faith (FCA)

Hilton Head Christian Academy Stadium | Free Food & Music Fellowship of Christian Athletes is hosting Fields of Faith which is an event where students share their stories of faith and encouragement to fellow peers. This is an awesome time of fellowship and unity among students. We will leave at 5:30pm and return around 8:30 pm. We can’t wait to see you there! For questions email [email protected].

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