Christmas Eve (Candlelight) Service

Weds, Dec. 24 | 4 & 6 PM | Sanctuary of FBCHHI We want to invite you to our Christmas Eve service at 4 & 6 PM. This is a special time where we remember our Savior and his birth. People are more likely to come to church on Christmas or Easter. Take this opportunity and invite someone this year to hear the gospel!

Christmas Eve (Candlelight) Service

Weds, Dec. 24 | 4 & 6 PM | Sanctuary of FBCHHI We want to invite you to our Christmas Eve service at 4 & 6 PM. This is a special time where we remember our Savior and his birth. People are more likely to come to church on Christmas or Easter. Take this opportunity and invite someone this year to hear the gospel!

Ladies Lunch Brunch

We want to welcome the new ladies of the church with a Dutch treat lunch at a restaurant on the island! This is an exciting time to meet new friends and discover opportunities to get involved in our church. Location: Poseidon

First Rides Car Show

Free Event | Front Lot of FBCHHI | Gift Cards for Class Winners Every two months on the first Saturday of the month, we have our First Rides Car Shows. Our next one will take place on February 1st from 9 - 10:30 AM on the church campus. This is a free event and everyone is welcome! Bring your fine rides and enjoy coffee and biscuits on us! Winners will receive gift cards! May the best rides win!

“SpongeBob the Musical”

Saturday, February 8 | Leave Church at 5:30 PM for Dinner | Main Street Theatre | Featuring Eden & Abigail Myers  Come support some of our youth at their next musical! It is going to be a great night of fun for all!

Guest Speaker

Sunday, February 9  | Both Services | Dr. Tony Wolfe, Executive Director for SC Baptist Convention   We are blessed to have Dr. Tony Wolfe, Executive Director for the South Carolina Baptist Convention. Make sure to be present that day so as not to miss the blessing of hearing him preach. Also in attendance that morning will be local Baptist association leaders and their wives from across our state, as we are hosting a conference from them that Friday-Sunday. So if someone around you looks lost or new, welcome them well.

Super Family Fellowship

Free Event | Youth Bldg. Come watch some football with us at our annual Super Family Fellowship! We will have wings and sides!! It will be a night of fun, food, and fellowship for families and everyone!

Parent’s Night Out

Saturday, February 15 | 6-8 PM | Children’s Bldg. | Babies-5th Grade    Come enjoy a fun evening of pizza, games, story time, and movie while wearing their pajamas. Parents get a relaxing night out to dine or spend time as they choose. 

2025 Women’s Connection Retreat

February 21-22 | Fri. 6-9PM; Sat. 9AM-5PM | FBCHHI Family Life Center | Cost: $55 - Includes Study Materials and Lunch on Sat. | Deadline to Sign Up: Sun., Feb. 9 | Limited Seating   All women are invited to join the FBCHHI Women’s Connection for a local retreat on the church campus. This will be an great time to meet other women within the church and hear from some awesome video guest speakers. Mail or take payment to the church office labeled “Women’s Connection 2025 Retreat.”

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