Adult Bible Studies

Various Buildings

Adult Bible Studies - Various Buildings - Four Classes available

Kairos Prison Ministry

Missionary Volunteers at a four-day Kairos Weekend “Walk” spend 36 hours in small group settings listening to and sharing with prisoners through

Children’s Bldg. Dedication

We are so excited about our children moving into the new kid's bldg. in just a few weeks! On May 5th we

Coffee Fellowship

Education Building

Coffee Fellowship held in the Atrium of the Education building

Beach Baptism

Following the children’s Bldg. dedication, we are going to celebrate some baptisms on the beach! Come for a great day of celebration!

Children’s Church

Education Building

Children's Church for ages 1 - 2nd Grade, Education Building

Children’s Bldg. Move-In

All are invited to come help us move furniture and supplies into the new children’s bldg.! We need lots of help! Thank

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